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景区内有雄奇的高山峡谷、险峻的悬崖峭壁、清澈的瀑布溪流、壮美的高山草甸以及变化万千的神奇气象等自然景观,它是一本历时20多亿年才形成的“天然地质史书”; 是一座天然的地质构造博物馆;这里是历史迷雾之大理国开国与灭国两个重要节点的发生地,也是历史上著名的茶马古道、博南古道、盐米古道及滇缅公路必经要隘;这里具有极度丰富的生物生态资源,是全球仅存4株的漾濞槭所在地,上百种国家级保护动物生存于此;这里更有令徐霞客等文人墨客惊叹不已的景观雾锁石门、福国晚钟、澄明虚谷、崖涧幽兰、霞客忘归、碧潭溅玉、万卷天书、凌云栈道、玉皇涌翠、苍山夕照等。
The Stone-gate Pass Tourist Area Grand Canyon is at the south of west side of the CangShan Mountain and is an entrance of a canyon. As cliffs on both sides of the entrance rise steeply and look spectacular as if a majestic pass, therefore, the name of Stone-gate Pass was given. Here, you can see grand alpine canyons, sheer cliffs, clear waterfall streams, magnificent alpine meadows, the changeable weathers and other natural landscapes. It is a natural geological history book with a history of more than 2 billion years and is a natural geological structure museum. Here, two important historic events had taken place, the founding and elimination of Dali Kingdom, and it is a pass that the famous tea-horse ancient road, Bonan ancient road, salt-rice ancient road and burma road would certainly go through. This area is extremely rich in biological and ecological resources, and is the habitant of the remaining 4 Acer yangbiensens in the world and hundreds of state-protected animals. In addition, there are marvelous landscapes like Stone Gate in brume, Fu Guo evening bell, tranquil valleys, secluded orchids amid cliffs, the Lingering Xiake, transparent lakes, Rolls of Books, plank roads, Jade Emperor YongCui, afterglow of the CangShan Mountain and so on that surprised  Xiake Xu and other literary men. Besides, in the Stone-gate Pass Tourist Area, there are unique historical and ethnic cultures, distinctive living customs and other cultural landscapes, there are ancient temples and towers, ancient paintings drew on the cliff and plank roads built along the cliff, there are Buddhism culture which is composed of Buddhism, Taoism and Islam.





